Legislative Representation and Lobbying Services

Notice of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Nevada Legislative Representation and Lobbying Services Douglas County, NV

Posted on: 2024/07/24


Due Date and Time: August 23, 2024, at 4:00pm

Submittal Location: Electronic (Preferred):

Email: [email protected] 

Physical (If necessary & must be in by 4:00 pm on August 23, 2024): Douglas County Manager’s Office

Scott Morgan, Assistant County Manager
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
PO Box 218
Minden, NV 89423


Scott Morgan, Assistant County Manager Phone: 775-782-9003

Email (preferred): [email protected]

1. Introduction

Notice is hereby given that the Douglas County Manager’s Office, hereinafter referred to as the “County” is issuing this RFQ to solicit Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms qualified to provide Legislative services to Douglas County, NV. A preliminary Scope of Work (SOW) is attached as Exhibit A for review by interested firms. Douglas County has engaged in a contract lobbyist firm to represent its interests for over a decade. Through this RFQ, the County is seeking competitive proposals to continue and potentially expand services.

The County invites interested firms to reply to this RFQ by submitting a responsive SOQ documenting the qualifications and experience of the firm with similar projects relevant to the SOW. All SOQs must be received by the due date and time at the submittal location specified herein. Any SOQ received after the due date and time assigned will not be considered. All information regarding the content of the specific submittals will remain confidential until a contract is finalized, or all submittals are rejected.

2. Background

Centrally located just 15 minutes south of Nevada’s state capital and bordering the truly one-of-a-kind Lake Tahoe, with all its summer and winter activities, Douglas County is recognized as the gem of Northern Nevada. On Nevada’s western border, framed by the Carson Range of the Sierra Nevada and Pine Nut Mountains, Douglas County unfolds. Here you can still find miles of open space, expansive ranches and farms, and many sites of historical significance, along with a wealth of outdoor activities. Douglas County has more than 50,000 full-time residents and seasonal populations that can exceed 65,000 due to its proximity to Reno, Carson City, and northern California. Douglas County is governed by a five- member elected Board of Commissioners. The County is comprised of ten functional areas: General Government, Judicial, Public Safety, Public Works, Sanitation, Health, Welfare, Culture and Recreation, Community Support, and Utilities.

Douglas County is a unique Rural County to the state of Nevada. Its priorities and challenges can be viewed in the newly adopted Strategic Plan. Preference will be given to firms with experience representing Northern Nevada rural local governments, as well as proposals offering both state and federal legislative representation and lobbying services.

Douglas County takes a proactive approach to addressing the issues identified below and frequently engages the State in developing solutions. A strong presence during each State legislative session and healthy relationships with legislators, public officials, industry organizations, and other local government agencies are necessary to expand the County’s level of engagement and influence, as well as further the County’s goals for Balanced Growth and Infrastructure, Preserving Douglas County’s Natural Beauty and Rural Character, Serving with Quality County Services, and Enhancing Residents’ Quality of Life.

3. Selection Process

A selection panel will evaluate all responsive SOQs received. The County will identify the most qualified firm based on scoring the SOQs by the selection panel. While the award will most likely be determined based on the scoring of the SOQs submitted, the top firms may be asked to present their qualifications to the selection panel to aid in the process. The County reserves the right to make such additional investigations as it deems necessary to establish the competency and financial stability of any party submitting a SOQ.

The firm determined to be best qualified will be invited to enter into negotiations with the County to develop a refined scope of services, budget, and schedule to perform the professional services outlined herein. Once the negotiations are successfully completed the firm will be required to enter into a Contract for Professional Services with the County. A sample contract is attached as Exhibit B for review.

4. Instructions

This RFQ is intended to solicit proposals for the purpose of selecting a firm to provide legislative representation and lobbying services at the direction of the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners and under the management of the County Manager’s Office.

a.      Submittal Format

Firms interested in responding to the RFQ may do so by submitting an SOQ in electronic format as a PDF to the email address listed under the Submittal Location. If the PDF file is too large to email, it may be submitted on a flash drive to the physical address listed under the Submittal Location or a downloadable link sent to the e-mail provided. The County will not provide any reimbursement for the cost of developing or presenting the SOQ. The entire may not exceed 20 pages of single-spaced text (excluding the appendix).

b.      Preparation of SOQ and Scoring

SOQs shall be limited to the items listed below. Firms are advised to follow these instructions and submit only the requested information. For the purposes of this RFQ, a page will be defined as one side of an 8.5” x 11” sheet with a minimum font size of 11. Prior to submitting an SOQ, it is the responsibility of the firm to examine the entire RFQ and seek clarification of any part that may not be clear and to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all information and responses.

The SOQs will be scored based on a maximum of 100 points total. Points will be awarded based on the responsiveness of the firm to each of the categories, overall experience, and qualifications to perform the work. A summary of the scoring categories is provided as follows:

Category                                                                          Maximum Points

Qualifications and Experience___________________________________ 25

Project Understanding and Approach______________________________ 30

Firm’s Personnel Experience____________________________________ 25

Budget-Scope of work, conflicts, exclusions or enhancements____________ 20

Total____________________________________________________ 100

(1)                Statement of Qualifications (25 Points):

Please provide a brief overview of the firm’s history and experience; identify a single point of contact for all future correspondence; specify who will directly be performing the services; identify any potential conflicts of interest either real or perceived, if none then state accordingly; and be signed by a member of the firm capable of negotiating and entering into contracts for professional services.

The entire SOQ shall be limited to a maximum of twenty (20) pages and organized into the six categories listed in this section document. The page count includes all pages submitted including cover sheet, table of contents, appendices, etc. but does not include the cover letter.

(2)               Project Understanding and Approach (30 Points):

(i)         Demonstrate an understanding of the scope of work, the intended approach to accomplishing the work and an overview of the firm’s total capabilities and services by providing the following:

(ii)      An overview of the firm including its history, office location(s), principals, major clients, and total capabilities of the services offered that may include the services required to accomplish this project but may also extend to other services not specific to the project.

1.   If you are teaming with a sub-firm, touch on similar information for that firm as well.

(iii)  Re-statement of the scope of work as you understand it based upon the material provided herein.

(iv)  Describe the firm’s understanding of current trends and issues for Douglas County’s rural challenges and strengths as it relates to legislative matters.

(v)     Describe the firm’s knowledge and experience in analyzing and reviewing proposed legislation, participating in administrative rule development and interim work groups, analyzing the proposed State budget, educating clients about the impact of legislation, advising clients on potential courses of action, and preparing legislative strategies and plans, in advance of the legislative session.

(vi)     Outline a process for establishing and maintaining strong working relationships with State legislators and staff representing all political affiliations, public officials and State agencies, special interest and industry groups, local governments, and other organizations involved in the legislative process; and

(vii)   Describe legislative information and bill-tracking software used by the firm to identify and monitor introduced legislation of interest to the County and to generate weekly status reports.

(viii) Outline the process in which you will implement for bill tracking a review. Describe the timeline for when bills are reviewed and discussed prior to introduction.

(3)               Personnel Experience and Availability (25 Points):

a.       Demonstrate the experience and availability of the personnel that will be assigned to work on and manage the project by providing the following information:

b.      Organizational chart showing the firm’s key personnel and sub-firms as may be appropriate and the respective roles of the team members.

c.       Resumé of key personnel and sub-firms that will work on or manage the contract.

1. Registrations, certificates, and other formal qualifications.

d.      Capacity/availability of key personnel and sub-firms to perform the work.

e.       Describe how the assigned staff members will interact with DC Commissioners and staff.

f.        Describe team experience with similar or related contractual services.

(4)               Budget-Scope of work, conflicts, exclusions or enhancements (20 Points):

Provide a detailed budget for the full contractual period itemized in accordance with each of the responsibilities, tasks, and activities outlined in the scope of work as well as any additional elements proposed. The budget should be organized in such a way that each item is priced individually, allowing Douglas County to select all or a portion of the services and negotiate a total contract price accordingly. Please outline if there are services outlined in Exhibit A which could not be provided for the budget identified or if you believe that there are additional services you can provide which are enhancements to the services outlined in Exhibit A. This is also the area which you could identify any potential conflicts you may have if selected to represent Douglas County.

(5)               Please attach the following supporting documents:

1.  A list of clients from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 legislative sessions.

2.  An organizational chart.

3.  Resumes of key project staff.

4.  A sample legislative tracking report.

5.  Your responses to instructions 1-4.


5.    Inquiries.

Any question related to this RFQ shall be directed to Scott Morgan, whose contact information appears at the top of this RFQ. Official questions regarding this Notice must be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 PM on August 9, 2024. Questions may then be responded to by written amendment only.

Oral statements or instructions shall not constitute an amendment to the RFQ.

6.      Award of Contract.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the solicitation, the County reserves the right to:

a.      Waive any immaterial defect or informality; or

b.      Reject any or all submittals and/or SOQs, or portions thereof; or

c.      Reissue the RFQ.

7.      Late Submittals

Any submittals will not be considered after 4:00pm on August 23, 2024.

8.      Exhibits

The following exhibits are attached and made a part of this RFQ:

a.       Exhibit A - Sample Scope of Work

b.       Exhibit B - Contract for Professional Services (Sample)



Deadline Date
