Volunteer Information

Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity?

Many of the programs offered by the Douglas County Senior Center would not be possible were it not for our many volunteers. In 2011 our volunteers had a combined total of over 11,500 hours. If you have time to give, please consider sharing it with us.

What can I do to help the Senior Center?

Volunteers may do one or more of the following tasks:

Dining Room - Typically one shift per week for 2 to 4 hours depending on job tasks

  • Set the tables
  • Serve lunch, soup, drinks, etc.
  • Clear and wipe down tables
  • Take out the trash
  • Roll silverware

Front Office - Typically one morning shift per week for 3 to 4 hours

  • Greet people at the sign-in desk.
  • Answer phones and help direct calls to the correct department.
  • Sign people up for various trips or activities.
  • Filing and sorting of paperwork as needed.

Ambassadors- New Position!

  • Ambassador Volunteers will be trained to work on the front desk, provided guided tours of the New Community and Senior Center.
  • Participate on the volunteer recognition committee
  • Provide customer service support in the Recreation Division

Special Events - Occasionally and as needed

  • Make reminder phone calls.
  • Sell raffle tickets
  • "Man a Booth" - Be present for sales, information, etc.
  • Provide breaks to other volunteers
  • Help assemble packets of information or "goody bags" for upcoming events.
  • Assist in preparatory tasks as needed.

Other - As agreed

  • Perhaps you know how to draw or scrapbook. Maybe you are passionate about writing. You can share your skills with us! Talk to one of our Senior Services staff about leading a class or discussion group.
  • Have another idea? Let us know what it is you would like to do.

Where do I sign up?

If you would like to be a Senior Center Volunteer, please complete the application online at https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/douglasconv/jobs/2871527/volunteer?pagetype=transferJobs

Once your application has been received, we will keep you informed of its status. The process requires fingerprinting and a background check. Occasionally your name may be placed on a waiting list depending on the availability of certain positions.

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