Weed Control

About Us

The Weed Control Division is primarily charged with treating noxious weeds within Douglas County. Services are provided pursuant to the regulatory authority under NRS Chapter 555. 

A noxious weed is a plant that has been identified by the State of Nevada to be harmful to agriculture, the general public or the environment.

There are 47 noxious weeds in Nevada as defined by NRS and a dozen of those are prevalent in Douglas County.  See noxious weeds below for identification.  Click on the picture for additional information.

Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense)


Jeff Begovich

Weed Control Supervisor


1323 Waterloo Lane

Gardnerville, NV 89410


Ph: 775-782-9835

Fx: 775-782-5799

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

7 a.m. - 4.30 - p.m.

Closed on Weekends

Weed Control FAQ's

A noxious weed is any weed that has been identified by the State of Nevada ( NRS 555) as being harmful to agriculture, the general public or the environment.