Perennial Pepperweed

Life Cycle

  • Perennial

Growth Habit

  • Upright, up to 6-feet tall with woody stems and creeping-root system

Plant Emergence

  • Rosettes begin to appear mid to late spring
  • Dense flower clusters appear early summer through August
  • Seed produced June to August


  • Reproduces by seed and roots
  • White flower clusters at top of plant


  • Because of its creeping root system, cultural practices such as mowing, digging, tilling, burning, or grazing established plants are not effective
  • Apply Escort or Telar to active growing plants through early bloom
  • Apply Plateau from full bloom to necrosis
  • Applying 2,4-D or Roundup at bud to flower will work if repeated for several years
pepperweedperenial pepperweed infestationperenial pepperweed plants